There is no relationship between a man and a woman without Love.
At the heart of marriage is the gift of self. A gift in the same way that Love gives itself to us, so that we may truly live and love. Just as She offers herself unconditionally, fully, completely, in trust, so also we will not be one without being immersed in Her.
The meeting of the spouses, in any form, is, or should rather be, a celebration, a celebration of the presence between them the One that animates and unites them. Marriage is then not a compulsion, not an institution, not a commandment. “Love!” it is the basis of any coexistence.
“Love!” it is Life itself.
Why are we satisfied with what is shallow, superficial, even “epidermal”?! Why can couples say to Life: “No!” ?!!! Why there is so little respect in us for what we only participate in and are not independent perpetrators?!! Wake up !!!
“Without me you can do nothing!”
“Without me, you will not create anything permanent. Without me, you will not be fully united. Without me, you will not be able to face all adversities. Without me, it makes no sense. Without me, there is no “You”.”
Let us have the courage to love! Marriage is the womb of unity. The main reason and driving force behind the spouses’ meeting should be Love they participate in, which will last, not like the other reasons. It is in everyday meetings that we mature to be fully a gift and support for our spouse. A support that can tenderly point out a mistake, give you encouragement, rejoice together and suffer with pain.
Is there a better and fuller school of Love? How many subtle adversities must be faced in order to allow this one born of the Source itself to see! Let the Holy Spirit, in his perfect sensitivity, lead us towards its fullness. Amen.