Those two words are the essence of Christianity. Those two words said, sung or even screamed in depth of our hearts are an essence of our existence and its primarily rule.
So far, I have described my experience of Love and written conclusions that I have gathered. It is time for something practical.
With Father, we want to take you for a journey into your inner world. We want to meet you. Find a right moment, in silence, peace and loneliness, if it is possible, to say those two words on a deepest level of your inner space, where He lives.
Most probably, you already realize what we are inviting you to. Sub-consciously you know well the infinite depth of this invitation.
Put you whole heart in this word, as much as you are able to. If the heart and the word is empty, do not worry. Very few of use have experienced deep and mature love from our own, earthly father.
“Father!”, the One who is. “Daddy!”, the one who give me life, who bring me to life again from the Spirit. You, who fill and penetrate whole Universe. “Daddy….!!!”.
Do you feel at lest a very subtle reverb in your heart? If so, follow it as you are able to. He will guide you. If not, the lets continue together.
“Daddy…”, the One who constantly create our World, so I can mature to a fullness of my own existence.
“Daddy…”. Take a deep breath and when exhaling the air, “include” this word in your breath. Listen to the echo of the word in your soul and follow it. Father, through his Spirit, who lives in you, may lead you in this prayer further… maybe you do not need this text anymore. Let your spirit follow the echos, reflections of Love.
“Father…”, “Father… !”
“Our Father…”
Daddy, who unties us, because we are all your children, sons and daughters of Love. “Our Father…”. Not only “mine”, but “our!”. Daddy, who invite me, that I, from the depth of my heart, the place where you dwell, forgive others all the evil, which I experienced from them and ask for a forgiveness of what was empty and selfish from my side.
“Our Father…”, there re so many, who have not met you yet. So many, who are still waiting to discover a full dignity of being your sons and daughters. “Our Father”, all of us, not just some bunch, but all of us, without an exception.
Father of all that lives and exists.